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田博宇 彭英楠 胡奇琪 段佳著 骆永全 赵祥杰 张大勇

田博宇, 彭英楠, 胡奇琪, 等. 光学相控阵技术研究进展与发展趋势[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 041001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220305
引用本文: 田博宇, 彭英楠, 胡奇琪, 等. 光学相控阵技术研究进展与发展趋势[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 041001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220305
Tian Boyu, Peng Yingnan, Hu Qiqi, et al. Review of optical phased array technology and its applications[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 041001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220305
Citation: Tian Boyu, Peng Yingnan, Hu Qiqi, et al. Review of optical phased array technology and its applications[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 041001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220305


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.220305





  • 中图分类号: TN29

Review of optical phased array technology and its applications

  • 摘要: 光学相控阵技术具有响应速度快、系统紧凑、功能多样和控制灵活等优点,在众多科学技术领域得到了广泛的应用。在近50年来的光学相控阵研究与应用中,涌现出了众多卓越的成果。为了对光学相控阵领域的发展进行梳理,简要回顾了光学相控阵技术的历史,并论述了光学相控阵技术的基本原理。从光束发射与接收等不同应用场景的角度,结合笔者的思考,深入介绍了光学相控阵在高品质的光源技术、激光相干合成技术、光束扫描技术、大气链路畸变控制技术以及合成孔径探测与成像技术多个领域的发展现状,并最后对光学相控阵技术的瓶颈与未来的发展研究趋势进行了评述。
  • 图  1  光学相控阵的用途分类

    Figure  1.  Classification and applications of optical phased array

    图  2  一维相控阵原理

    Figure  2.  Principle of optical phased array (1D)

    图  3  DARPA在光学相控阵技术领域的研究历程

    Figure  3.  Optical phased array projects carried out by DARPA

    图  4  APPLE系统基本原理示意图

    Figure  4.  Schematic diagram of APPLE system

    图  5  Excalibur系统实物样机

    Figure  5.  Prototype of Excalibur system

    图  6  板条固体激光器系统示意图

    Figure  6.  Schematic diagram of solid-state slab lasers

    图  7  5.2 kW全光纤激光振荡器结构

    Figure  7.  5.2 kW all-fiber MOPA configuration

    图  8  美国Northrop Grumman公司100 kW固体激光系统装置

    Figure  8.  100 kW solid-state laser system by Northrop Grumman

    图  9  107 路光纤激光相干合成系统结构图及实验结果

    Figure  9.  107-channel fiber laser coherent combining system

    图  10  美国林肯实验室4 kW光纤激光相干合成系统原理示意图

    Figure  10.  4 kW fiber laser coherent beam combining by Lincoln Lab. MIT

    图  11  美国Raytheon公司研制的一维液晶光学相控阵原理

    Figure  11.  One-dimensional liquid crystal optical phased array by Raytheon

    图  12  北卡罗莱纳州立大学大角度一维液晶相控阵器件

    Figure  12.  Wide-angle 1D liquid crystal optical phased array by North Carolina State University

    图  13  64路波导相控阵180°视场一维相控阵

    Figure  13.  64-channel 180° waveguide optical phased array

    图  14  南加州大学基于SOI CMOS的集成波导相控阵

    Figure  14.  CMOS waveguide optical phased array by University of Southern California

    图  15  代顿大学7路相干合成实验装置

    Figure  15.  7-channel coherent beam combining system by University of Dayton

    图  16  代顿大学21路相干合成实验装置(2016)

    Figure  16.  Experimental setup of 21-channel coherent beam combining system by University of Dayton

    图  17  中国科学院光电技术研究所57 孔径光纤激光相控阵自适应光学系统

    Figure  17.  57-channel TIL system by Institute of Optics and Electronics

    图  18  MMT望远镜系统

    Figure  18.  MMT telescope system

    图  19  詹姆斯韦伯太空望远镜

    Figure  19.  James Webb Space Telescope

    表  1  各类激光光源技术的对比

    Table  1.   Contrast of different laser sources

    typepowerfeaturecompactnessapplicability in OPA
    gas laser >500 kW extremely high power
    large volume
    extremely low ×
    chemical laser >MW extremely high power
    large volume
    extremely low ×
    solid-state laser >100 kW high power
    compact structure
    fiber laser ~10 kW high power
    semiconductor laser ~100 W highly compact
    high efficiency
    extremely high
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    表  2  单路固体激光代表性研究成果[45-49]

    Table  2.   Representative research results of solid-state lasers

    yeartypeinstitutionpower/kWbeam quality
    2009slabNorthrop Grumman , USA15.31.58
    2010slabNorth China Research Institute of Electro-Optics, China11.04.8
    2011slabChina Academy of Engineering Physics, China11.37.56
    2012diskBoeing, USA30.0< 2
    2015diskGeneral Atomics, USA150.0
    2018slabChina Academy of Engineering Physics, China22.33.3
    2018diskChina Academy of Engineering Physics, China9.814.7
    2019slabTechnical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, China60.0
    2021waveguideChina Academy of Engineering Physics, China10.0< 3
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    表  3  单路光纤激光代表性研究成果[53-63]

    Table  3.   Representative research results of fiber lasers

    yeartypeinstitutionpower/kWbeam quality
    2016monolithic fiberFujikura Ltd., Japan21.2
    2016National University of Defense Technology, China21.6
    2017Fujikura Ltd., Japan31.3
    2017National University of Defense Technology, China3.051.3
    2018Fujikura Ltd., Japan51.3
    2018National University of Defense Technology, China5.22.2
    2020Fujikura Ltd., Japan8
    2020National University of Defense Technology, China72.4
    2021National University of Defense Technology, China61.3
    2015MOPANational University of Defense Technology, China3.151.6
    2016Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA3.11.15
    2017Tianjin University, China8.054
    2018China Academy of Engineering Physics, China11.23
    2019Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, China10.14
    2021China Academy of Engineering Physics, China5.071.252
    2021National University of Defense Technology, China61.36
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    表  4  激光相干合成代表性研究成果[91-104]

    Table  4.   Representative research results of coherent beam combining

    yeartypeinstitutionpower/kWnumber of channels
    2008solid-state laserNorthrop Grumman, USA302
    2009Northrop Grumman, USA100 (Record)8
    2011fiber laserThales Research & Technology, France64
    2011National University of Defense Technology, China1.089
    2011Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA48
    2011University of Dayton, USA7
    2014Northrop Grumman, USA2.43
    2015Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA4442
    2016University of Dayton, USA21
    2019National University of Defense Technology, China60
    2019National University of Defense Technology, China87
    2020Thales Research & Technology, France0.10561
    2020Civan Advanced Technologies, Israel1637
    2020National University of Defense Technology, China107 (record)
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    表  5  相控阵光束扫描技术特点对比与主要发展趋势分析

    Table  5.   Contrast of optical phased arrays and corresponding development trend

    typematurityfeaturefuture trends
    liquid crystal OPAhighmature fabrication technology
    suitable for high-power application
    large aperture
    high damage threshold
    large range
    waveguide OPAlowcompactness
    large view field
    high frequency
    more channels
    larger view field
    higher frequency
    MEMS OPAlowhigh efficiency
    fast response
    more channels
    novel OPAflexiblemore advantages integration
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    表  6  基于目标在回路的大气畸变控制技术代表性研究成果[144-148]

    Table  6.   Representative research results of atmospheric distortion correction based on TIL

    yearinstitutenumber of channelsexperimental environment
    2011University of Dayton, USA77 km outdoor
    2016217 km outdoor
    2012Institute of Optics and Electronics, China75 m in Lab. (without turbulence)
    201870.2 km outdoor
    2021192 km outdoor
    2021512.1 km outdoor
    2011National University of Defense Technology, China210 m in Lab.(without turbulence)
    2012910 m in Lab.(without turbulence)
    201860.8 km outdoor
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