Neutronics modeling of 360° China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor and preliminary nuclear analysis
摘要: 基于自动化建模软件平台cosVMPT的发展,建立了包含厂房结构的中国聚变工程试验堆(CFETR) 360°全堆模型,主要结构包括中心螺线管线圈、真空室、纵场线圈、极向场线圈、内外冷屏、杜瓦,以及精细结构的水冷包层和偏滤器。空间布置上包括16个上/下窗口和6个中窗口,2个斜窗口作为NBI束通道,其余窗口内设为屏蔽块。引入“on-the-fly”(OTF)全局减方差方法以获得可靠的中子、光子通量,结果显示其在厂房内的分布不对称。验证了cosVMPT平台和OTF方法的可靠性,并与扇段模型所获得的结果进行对比,进一步确认能够通过扇段模型来简化建模计算过程的使用范围。Abstract: With the support of the modelling conversion platform cosVMPT, the 360° model is needed to solve this inaccuracy from asymmetry. The detailed structure of all main components for China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) has been developed. The whole model consists of Central Solenoid (CS), Vacuum Vessel (VV), Port (16 upper/lower ports, 6 equatorial ports in which 2 oblique are ones used for NBI beam channel), Thermal Shielding (VVTS & CTS), Toroidal and Poloidal Field Coils (TFC & PFC), Cryostat and the House Building. The water-cooled ceramic breeder (WCCB) blanket and water cooled divertor with full detailed structure is inserted, while spare ports are filled with shielding material. The preliminary calculation has been performed by MCNP code combining with the advanced “on-the-fly” GVR method, which was introduced to generate the global weight window to accelerate the neutron transport, and the reliable neutron and photon flux map was obtained. This work realizes the application of cosVMPT platform and OTF method in complicated fusion reactor, and it validates their robustness. In addition, the results of 360° model has been compared to that of sector model, to verify the validity and applicability of using sector model to simplify the modelling and calculation.
Key words:
- 360° model /
- cosVMPT /
- on-the-fly method /
- neutronics
表 1 主要部件的中子/光子通量及误差
Table 1. Neutron/photon flux of main components and their relative error
component position
(x, y, z)/cmneutron flux/
(cm−2·s−1)neutron flux
relative error/%photon flux/
(cm−2·s−1)photon flux
relative error/%blanket (980.0, −14.5, 15.0) 3.19E+14 0.15 1.19E+14 0.28 divertor (580.0, −14.5, −465.0) 1.75E+14 0.16 7.80E+13 0.28 vacuum vessel (1 220.0, −14.5, 15.0) 3.65E+12 0.54 1.91E+12 0.63 center solenoid coil (140.0, −14.5, 15.0) 9.58E+03 9.28 1.19E+04 4.01 poloidal field coil (1 500.0, −14.5, 295.0) 4.28E+08 6.67 1.85E+08 9.10 toroidal field coil (1 340.0, 219.5, 15.0) 3.92E+08 2.75 1.16E+08 3.03 cryostat (1 860.0, −14.5, 15.0) 1.95E+08 1.35 5.30E+07 3.44 bio-shielding (in) (2 100.0, −14.5, 15.0) 3.11E+05 6.66 3.55E+05 7.46 bio-shielding (out) (5 217.5, −14.5, 15.0) 1.28E+05 7.43 2.64E+05 3.26 -
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